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About Us

Our farm is a family business that was born out of love for nature and fresh products. We created our farm around 5 years ago, starting with small cultures of different fruits: strawberries, raspberries, apples, plums and grapes. 

Due to the feedback from our visitors, we began creating cereal cultures and soon we were able to understand all the benefits that we had from them and all the new products we can make. Now we are the proud owners of one of the biggest cereal farms from the area.



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Nuestras directrices: 

  • Calidad — estamos dedicados a ofrecer los mejores productos y servicios. 
  • Pasión — la pasión por lo que hacemos es nuestro secreto del éxito. 
  • Cuidamos la naturaleza — como nos ha dado tantos regalos, necesitamos cuidar del medio ambiente.

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